Gallery Images

Youth Training

The youths in a training session on HIV/AIDS prevalence

HIV/AIDS awareness

The Cadif team including volunteers among others performing sensitization on the HIV/AIDS during the World AIDS Day in Kisumu City.

Capacity building

Youth capacity building program.

Cadif credit

Micro-credit for small business.

Climate change adaption

Promoting climate adaption

Early education

Promoting Early childhood education among the young generation

Volunteer appreciation

Appreciating one of our volunteers through certificate of participation award.

Youth peace forum

Undertaking a youth peace forum with our youths and volunteers.

Business support

Supporting the women in the business sector grow their business.

Making use of the wastes

Constructing a waiting bench using waste bottles.

Food security

Integrating food security in schools

Global partnership learning

Providing an opportunity for learning through global partnership


On the arrival training for the international volunteers.

Job shadowing in Greece

Meeting up with the team from Greece in a job shadowing session.

FT Planting

A food tower project meant to generate agricultural produce